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Further cooperation partners



Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT)

The Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT), formerly Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, is a state university in Berlin that ranks among the largest engineering universities in Germany with eight departments and approximately 70 study programs. The Distance Learning Institute of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT) has been offering scientific and professional training for over 30 years and is a leader in the development of new forms of learning in the workplace. The Distance Learning Institute has already carried out projects with the Hawassa University in Ethiopia.


Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft (bsw)

The Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft (bsw) was founded in 1990 as a non-profit association and as a service organization of the Saxon employers' and business associations. The bsw gGmbH operates educational centers at currently 14 locations in the Free State of Saxony. The educational offers focus on companies and executives, skilled workers, young trainees as well as job seekers. bsw has been involved in international cooperation for many years with a focus on the establishment of vocational training and further education institutions. In addition, bsw conducts management training and environmental seminars in a blended learning format.


Texulting GmbH

texulting GmbH is a partner for project consulting and engineering services in the field of technical textiles. The company's expertise and experience are focused primarily on the field of technical textiles, e.g. geotextiles, technical logistics, and the automotive industry. texulting GmbH supports customers in their projects, especially in the preparation of technological roadmaps and the selection of suitable manufacturing and production technology. With its engineering know-how, texulting GmbH is also able to develop special solutions and to accompany them during implementation. For these projects, texulting GmbH cooperates with a worldwide network of consultants.


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